I figured with private details of my life and all my personal business now in her hands, and without me knowing her heart; I had better soften my blow. Because the most dangerous person in the world (to himself and the world around him) is a person with a weak mind and a weak heart, especially jealousy of any kind (envy or coveting)-they are worse than a wanted terrorist or a murderer, because weak-hearted and weak-minded people are free to roam this world, but (unto the object of disdain) they set themselves up with inferiority complexes and harbor weak-minded thoughts that lead to doing weak-minded shit lead by that weak heart-24/7/365 and there’s no law to protect their target(s) from them. That’s why they are the most dangerous. There’s no crime for a weak mind and a weak heart but the punishment they receive is personal-it’s private. They die a thousand deaths a thousand times a day, and 24/7/365 while living and suffering that private little hell inside. Although that may feel good to their objects of disdain, the fact of the matter still remains: they are freer than a weak-hearted and weak-minded wanted terrorist or murderer, so they’re more dangerous (in my eyes)-it’s a disease and a curse that just keeps going.
Having thought that through and not knowing her heart (especially considering the fact that she has money), I figured I’d better soften my blows, because I don’t know everything. No matter how many theories I could come up with for answers to satisfy my curiosity; the main fact of the matter will always be this one fact: I sure as hell cannot afford to fight her, and it made no sense to keep fighting fire with fire. So March 21, I sent this email (still-to myself, from myself-while she’s still intercepting). And this time, I was little sweeter: