“Playtime” was nearing an end, when my right boob woke up for good and finally said hello to the world. The completely developed left one had been around for about a year. That right one had finally caught up with it. Both had now arisen: perky and straight-forward like they were kissing the wind.
I was so happy to rid myself of having to stuff the right side of my right bra with tissue. It was such a task trying to demi-plie’ and arabesque my way through dance class with Mrs. Eckhardt constantly pirouetting up and down past all of us-patting and positioning our body parts.
Like clock-work it seemed to happen. Right at the moment where I’d stand facing the bar in first position: heel-to-heel, then turning with one hand on the bar-arm extended; frappe’ing forward then backwards. That seemed to always be the moment she would move in. She used that as her chance to run by and hold us by the front of our chests to straighten our backs, then she would look down and smack our asses-checking for any jiggle whatsoever. If she caught any jiggle she would yell out loud: “jelly booty-no jelly booty!” I had been so tired of trying to guard my right titty tissue while trying to keep my ass tight in dance class for Mrs. Eckhardt’s approval. Thanks to her, it had been no problem bouncing quarters off of it-all praises due to her pressure and scrutiny.
The summer of that school year, I turned twelve years-old and playtime was definitely over back home with the girls and me under those umbrellas: “Playtime is over bitches! This aint no muthafuckin’ sit-in! I’m twelve years-old now and a full-grown queen bee, with cultured, polished and celebrated queen bee ways. It is now time to show and prove. I got my titty in full bloom-sitting up on perk, my ass tight and on perk and a fully blossomed flower with lots of grass on it. These lil’girl games are beginning to be a bit passe’ to me-the kissing and grinding games are getting tired. It’s time to try something different bitches!” I may as well had said, but rather-demonstrated.
I decided that if they were going to .."
